A School Council is the body which handles all official business relating to the school.
It is, together with the Principal, maintenance of school grounds, buildings and equipment, and for spending and governance of all funds raised by parents and those provided in the form of grants and allowances from the Department of Education and Training.
School Council membership is made up of parent representatives, DET representatives and, when necessary, co-opted members to represent wider community interests or particular expertise. The Principal is the Executive Officer.
Elections are held at the end of March with half of the parent members and half of the DET members retiring each year.
All activities of the School Council are aimed at fostering increased communication between the parents, staff and School Council at Yinnar Sth . The Council, through the powers and duties bestowed upon it, is able to:
*provide a direct link in communicating your views and ideas to the Department of Education and Training (DET).
*bring improvements which you see as desirable to the notice of the school and the Department.
*carry out improvements to the educational and physical environment at Yinnar South so that our children’s opportunities for complete and stimulating education can be maximised.
The success of your School Council’s activities depends entirely on the support which you give the collective ventures which it undertakes. The more input to the school’s activities that parents make, the more confident the Council can be that it is truly representative of the school community.
If you have any enquires regarding Council activities or any views or ideas which you would like Council to consider, please contact the President or the Principal, or approach a Council member.
The names of the current School Councillors are listed below.
Parent Members:
Corey Darby (School Council President), Chelsea Walker, Haylie Corin
DET Members:
Principal, Sarah Lonnie and a current Staff member.
© Copyright Yinnar South Primary School