Yinnar South Primary School has a proud history of providing quality education in a welcoming and supportive community. Our school is nestled in the hills of the Jeeralangs.
Our students are actively involved in the learning process. Challenging themselves through a variety of different activities that allow them to further develop their growth mindset. By students taking an active role, they are empowered to develop their resilience and problem-solving abilities. We have a strong focus on leadership and have many leadership opportunities for students across all year levels. With our students facilitating the weekly assembly that is attended by parents and students alike.
At Yinnar South Primary School we have high expectations for our students but we acknowledge that all students learn differently and therefore a “one size fits most” approach will not meet all students’ needs. We work with students through a stages not ages approach that is tailored to each child’s learning goals. Our staff are able to develop close relationships with the students and have in-depth knowledge of all students including academic ability, their likes and dislikes, what is important to them and what is a challenge.
We are a welcoming community and encourage families to take an active role in the education of their child. The teaching staff welcomes parent involvement in the classroom through modelled reading, participation in our weekly cooking sessions and the gardening program. This enables families to gain insight into their child’s education and be an active member of the Yinnar South Primary School community.
Student voice is actively encouraged at Yinnar South Primary School, with opportunities provided for student’s voice and agency to help shape their learning and the learning environment. By giving children choice at a young age, we build their ability to make strong, positive choices and obtain a deeper understanding and connection with the content being taught.
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